Product - Global Settings

The Global Settings allow you to set up Reviews, Questionnaires, Terms & Conditions, Blackout Schedules, and more for all your experiences. This way you do not have to set them up individually for your experiences if they should be the same. Some Global Settings also have an experience-specific counterpart, if needed.

You can use any combination of experience-specific and global elements: For example, Global Blackout Schedules and Reviews, but a few experience-specific Questionnaires and Terms & Conditions for some experiences that require different customer information. Totally up to you!

What's covered in this article:

Blackouts and Restrictions

To learn more about Blackouts and Restrictions, click here

Check-in Preferences

To learn more about Check-In preferences, click here. 

Checkout Preferences

In Xola, you can customize the price-specific information that is displayed to your customers during checkout on your website. You may choose to show the range of prices for your experiences, the lowest price, a price range, or simply no price information. You can also customize how Taxes & Fees are shown. If you use Timeline checkout, you can control the information that appears on the tiles displayed on the first page of checkout. 

Customize your Price Messaging

  1. Navigate to the Products > Global Settings > Checkout Preferences.
  2. Select from one of the following options:
  • Do not show price: No prices will show at all at checkout.
  • Show price range: Checkout will display the lowest-highest prices for the experience.
  • Show lowest price: Will show the lowest demographic price for the experience.


Screen_Shot_2022-09-16_at_9.39.38_AM.pngAdditionally, you can customize how Taxes and Fees are shown.

  • Include Taxes & Fees in final price: This indicates at the start of checkout that the price shown includes taxes and fees.
  • Show Taxes & Fees Breakdown: You can opt to show each tax and fee as a line item on hover and in emails to customers or have them lumped as a single line item.

Example of Taxes & Fees Breakdown Shownmceclip0__1_.png


Example of Taxes & Fees Breakdown Hiddenmceclip4.png



Finally, you can show an event's duration in checkout:

  • Display Duration of Event: Show the event's duration during checkout.Products Global Settings - Checkout Display Duration.png

Customize Timeline Checkout's Appearance 

  1. Navigate to the Products > Global Settings > Checkout Preferences
  2. Select from one of the following options.
    • Price Per Person: On timeline checkout, this will display prices for all demographics associated with a given experience.
    • Open Seat Count: Display the remaining seats available to be booked for this particular time slot.
      • Conditionally show the open seat count: You can choose to only display the seat count once it is equal to or below a specific number. 
    • Show unavailable timeslots
    • Show a custom message for unavailable dates: If you don't enter anything here, the default will be to display "0 Available".



Split Pay


To learn more about Split Pay and how to configure click here. 


Custom Email Footer

In Xola you have the option to customize the footer of emails sent from within Xola (including both automated and manually sent emails)This can be done at the global level, or on an experience by experience basis. 

To set up a global custom email footer, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Products >  Global settings > Custom Email footer.
  2. Use the text editor tool to create a footer section that will appear at the bottom of your emails sent through Xola. (for example, booking confirmation and reminders, booking modification, or emails sent via the communication subtab).


Here's what the above footer would look like when used in a booking confirmation or reminder email:



Date Picker

In Xola you have the ability to customize the information displayed to your customers while they are choosing dates inside your online checkout windows. This can be put to use in a number of different ways, depending on what type of message you'd like to send to your customers.

For example, using Show Open Seat Count along with "Sold out" messaging for unavailable departures, you can create a sense of urgency to book or showcase the popularity of certain experiences. Alternatively, if your site has a clean and minimalistic design, you may consider choosing not to display information like Trip Price or Open Seat Count at all.

FYI: Using Timeline checkout? Find out how to customize here instead.

Customize Your Date Picker (Reservation Details Page)

This Date Picker appears in the Reservation Details section of all Xola checkout types (except for Gift Certificate checkout). This is the page where customers input items like date, guest count, and contact information, and the Date Picker itself appears when the customer clicks to choose a date. To customize this, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the Products tab and select Global Settings.
  2. Next, select Date Picker.
  3. Select from one of the following options.
    • Price Per Person: This will display the base price per person OR per outing price found in your Listing's Description.
    • Open Seat Count: This will display the number of seats available. Note that if a day with multiple timeslots is available, the individual timeslots will show the number of available seats.
      • Conditionally display availability: Displaying availability when the open seat count is less than a threshold may instill 'Fear of missing out' in travelers. 
    • None: All days will be shown green, indicating tours are going out.
    • Show unavailable timeslots: If ticked off, days with available timeslots will be green and unavailable dates white.
    • Show a custom message for dates with 0 availability: Add "Sold out" messaging, "Call us", whatever you would like customers to do.
    • Show a custom message for unavailable dates: Add "Sold out" messaging, "Call us", whatever you would like customers to do.



Global Review

To learn more about Global Review, click here. 

Global Questionnaire

Questionnaires collect additional information from your customers after they complete checkout. What is included in the Questionnaire is completely customizable, and it can be set up as Global or Experience-Specific. A Questionnaire can be skipped in the back office by a Xola user (it can always be updated in the customer purchase), but customers must complete them if they book through your website checkout.

The following details how to set up a Questionnaire in Global Settings, meaning you'll have one Questionnaire that prompts for all your various listings. For details on how to set up a Listing-Specific Questionnaire, click here.

To enable a Global Questionnaire:

  1. Navigate to the Products tab and select Global Settings
  2. Next, select Global Questionnaire.
  3. Customize to your needs. 

Questionnaire Display:

  • Post Reservation: Filled out after a reservation is made by the guest
    • Per guest: One questionnaire is filled out per guest. 
    • Per reservation: One questionnaire is filled out per reservation.
  • In Xola Waiver: Will show up in the Xola Waiver you created.
    • To learn more about setting up Xola Waiversclick here. 

Fields (meant for shorter responses)

  • Drag and drop available fields into the questionnaire.
  • Drag the custom field into the questionnaire and create your own field.
  • Make the field Required (select asterisk icon), Included on the roster (select clipboard icon), and/or Asked only to the trip organizer (select person icon).
  • If you have In Xola Waivers selected it will show Minors and Adults as fields. 
    • You can choose who you want to answer those questions on the waiver. 

Questions (meant for longer responses)

  • Click the red +Custom Question button to add a short-response text question.
  • Make the field required (select asterisk icon), included on the roster (select clipboard icon), and/or ask only to the trip organizer (select person icon).


  • Text: The customer types in response.
  • Dropdown: Create and edit your own dropdown menu for customers to choose from.
    • Dropdowns should not exceed 110 characters, if you exceed this the charters will be cut off. 
  • Opt-In Checkbox: Add a custom link, give it a description, and Xola will hyperlink it to that website. Great for newsletter and update opt-ins as well as privacy policies or additional terms and conditions.


Pro-Tips:  If you use the Google Calendar sync and have Pickup Location as a questionnaire field, the Pickup Location for your guests will be included in the events that show up in your GCal.
Need to sum the weights of all guests on your trip? Add a Weight field and tick the "Sum total weights" box. All weights input into the questionnaire will appear summed in the Roster. 

Global Terms and Conditions 

You may have Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) that you want your guests to read and/or agree to before booking and coming for your experience. In Xola's Global Settings you're able to paste in not only your T&Cs in that heavy legalese, but you can even include a reader-friendly version that's easier for us plebeians to understand.

The best thing about Xola Terms and Conditions? You can require your customers to agree to them before completing their reservation. The customer will have to check a checkbox agreeing to T&C before they will be able to reserve. 

The following details how to set up Terms and Conditions in Global Settings, meaning you'll have one set of T&Cs that apply to all your listings. For details on how to set up Experience-Specific T&Cs, click here.

Set Your Terms and ConditionsScreen_Shot_2016-10-14_at_4.55.17_PM.png

  1. Navigate to the Products tab and select Global Settings
  2. Next, select Global Terms and Conditions.
  3. Enter the Full LegalText of your T&Cs in the first text box.  
  4. Optional: If you'd like to summarize or paraphrase the legal text for your customers, enter the terms in the Human-Friendly text box as well.
  5. To have your terms and conditions shown to customers on the checkout, tick the box "Force customer to agree in order to complete the booking". This will make the customer agree to these T&Cs before they pay."
    • The customer will have to check a checkbox agreeing to T&C before they will be able to reserve.
  6. Click Save.

Note that on the left-hand side, Xola will tell you if any products have experience-specific T&Cs that override the Global.  Right now, you can see that this is the case for the 1970s, Times Square listing in the Popspots account.

The Customer Experience

If you do not tick the "Force customer to agree..." box, your customers will have the option to click the Terms and Conditions that appears at checkout. When clicked, the T&Cs will appear in a pop-up window (pictured below). If customers do not click, no T&Cs will appear and they will not need to agree to anything before payment. 


If you do tick the  "Force customer to agree..." box, the Terms and Conditions customer will have to check a checkbox agreeing to Terms and Conditions before they will be able to reserve.

The customer will need to agree for their payment to be processed and their reservation to be made.


Global Demographics  

You can set your pricing demographics on a listing-specific or global basis. If you've got five different tours and you offer the same demographic discounts across the board, Xola makes it easy to set these up just once.

  1. Navigate to the Products tab and select Global Settings
  2. Next, select Global Demographics
  3. Click +Add to add a new global demographic.
  4. Enter in the Name of the demographic.
  5. Optional: Enter a caption for this demographic.
  6. Optional: Allow this demographic to apply to all listings, or toggle the button to select the listings to which this should apply.
  7.  Click Create.


Click Edit to edit the Name, Caption, and applicable listings for this demographic.

Click Delete to delete this demographic across all listings.

Global Add-ons

To learn more about Global Add-ons, click here. 

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