The Settings tab in Xola is available only to users with Administrator access. Before going live with your Xola account you'll want to verify all settings are configured as they should be.
What's covered in this article:
- Company Profile
- My Profile
- Button Code
- User and Access
- Notifications
- Preferences
- Taxes and Fees
- Payments
- Apps
Company Profile
Basic Information
- The picture that you use is highly visible to your customers. Your picture will be visible to your customers in many of the emails they receive and it is highly recommended you use a high-quality picture that is representative of your brand. Specifically, your picture image in Xola holds a 4:3 aspect ratio, and the recommended pixel dimensions are 1024 x 768.
- Note: The size of the image uploaded will not be adjusted when used, so try to use an image size that would fit well at the top of email communication.
Company Name
- Will show in your communications to your customers, like the confirmation, reminder, review, etc.
Phone Number
- Ensure this is a phone number that you want customers to contact you at as this phone number will be present in customer communications.
- Website URL
Address and City
- This address will be present in customer communications.
Social Links
When you add a social media link to your account, there are two places they will show up:
First, every social media URL that you add will appear in the following emails to your customers:
- Reservation modification
- Reservation modification for completed reservations
- Reservation cancellation
- Reservation reminder
- Additionally, if you use the Global Reviews feature, the link to your TripAdvisor or Yelp page will be pulled into the Review Email so that customers can click directly through to the page to leave a review. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter links are only included in the confirmation and reminder emails.
My Profile
This is where you can edit or change your Primary and Communication email and password.
Primary Account Email
This is the main email address associated with your Xola account. This email is a unique identifier that Xola uses to keep track of your account and (if applicable) your payouts in Stripe.
Communication Email
This is the email address your customers will see as the Reply-To address upon receiving an email sent from Xola (like a confirmation email, reminder email, etc).
Change Password
Change the Primary Account Email password used to log into your Xola account.
For example, your Primary Account email may be and your Communication email may be If customers reply to the confirmation email with a question, their message will be sent to
Multi-Factor Authentication
- This is an extra layer of security for your Xola account that is enabled when you first gain access to your account. This works by sending you a text with a one-time use code anytime you would like to change your password or banking details moving forward. When entering the phone number in the field, ensure it is in country code format.
Button Code
When we talk about buttons in Xola, we're talking about three things:
- The Book Now button you see on your site, composed of HTML, CSS, and Javascript code.
- The Gift button you see on your site.
- The checkout window that appears in an iFrame when the button(s) are clicked.
For more on buttons, please visit Button Installation
User and Access
A Xola user's access level limits their access to certain tabs as well as certain abilities, like refunds.
Please see Access Levels for an in-depth breakdown of each User.
- To add a User in Xola, navigate to Settings > Users & Access and select the blue “Add User” in the upper-right hand corner.
- In the modal popup that appears, type in Name and Email (phone number and nickname optional), and Roles and click Save Changes.
- The User will receive an email to verify their email. Until they verify, they will not be able to log in and will remain Pending in Xola.
Transfer Ownership in Xola
If you already a have Grant Access user, who you would like to change as your Primary Email on your Xola account, you can easily do this by logging in as the Primary Email, going to Settings > Users & Access > Find the user > Click on the pencil > Click the make Owner button.
There are three distinct groups of people for whom you can control notification preferences in Xola including which ones get sent and, in some cases, how far in advance they are sent out.
- Notifications sent to me: These are notifications sent to the primary email address associated with the account.
- Notifications sent to my customers: These notifications are sent to your customers provided they have a valid email address or mobile phone number.
- Notifications sent to my guides: These notifications are sent only when a guide is assigned or unassigned to a specific tour.
In Settings > Notifications, you can see a breakdown of all the different notifications sent to these three groups. By using the toggles you can designate whether or not you want this notification sent out and override the default timing of certain notifications.
- Toggle on or off any of the notifications based upon your preferences.
- Optionally, override the default timing and set custom timing for certain notification times.
- Save your changes.
- Account Language: Any user who logs into this Xola account will see the language chosen in this tab displayed.
- My Language: The Language you would like your Xola account to be displayed in.
Auto Accept
- All listings default to Auto Accept. Your Xola account can handle accepting or declining online reservations in two different ways:
- You can manually review each reservation and accept or decline it.
- Note: If you have your listings set up as Manual Accept your customers will have a pending charge for the amount of the experience until the booking is accepted or declined by you. This message will show to your customers upon checkout: "Your credit card statement may show a pending charge for the full booking value of $xx.xx."
- Note: If you have listings configured for Manual Accept, any bookings made in back office will be an override to this rule and be auto accepted. If there was card information entered, it will be charged unless you select the "Do not charge card now" option (which can be found below the green "Pay" button in back office). The only time this would not be true for a back-office booking placed for a Manual Accept listing would be if the listing has a per outing minimum set that has not been fulfilled. You would have the option to manually override and accept the booking.
- All listings default to Auto Accept. Your Xola account can handle accepting or declining online reservations in two different ways:
Auto Check-in
In Xola, there are two ways to check in a customer for an experience. One option is that a staff member uses the check-in button for a customer on the Xola desktop or mobile app. The other option is to enable Auto Check-In for a listing (or all experiences) - When this is turned on, all guests will be marked as arrived if the following two conditions are met:
- The reservation is made in the back office.
- The reservation is made within the time interval requested. For example, if it is set up so that the auto check-in is ‘60’ minutes, any reservation made in the back office within 60 minutes of the start time of the experience will mark all guests in that party as arrived.
Post Booking Action Preference
- Choose from the following options:
- Go back to the Dashboard
- Print ticket for a customer just booked (if applicable)
- Complete the Questionnaire (if applicable)
- Manage the reservation in the Purchases tab
- Prompt me every time
- Choose from the following options:
Single Transaction For Multiple Reservations
- When multiple reservations are paid for at the time of booking, they will be processed as a single transaction. To learn more, click here.
Modify OTA Bookings
- If the Modify OTA Bookings is toggled on, then a reservationist or admin will have the option to modify any OTA booking that comes in.
- Note: If you choose to Modify an OTA booking in Xola it will no longer be in sync with the booking record of OTA.
- To learn more on OTA bookings, click here.
Allow Past Dates
- Allow reservationists to create new reservations for past dates. To learn more, click here.
Email Required
- If Email Required is toggled on, then a reservationist will have the option of completing a reservation in the back-office without entering a customer email address, by clicking the email not provided box. The customer, however, will need to fill in the email, on the online checkout.
Phone Number Required
- If Phone Number Required is toggled on, then a reservationist will have the option of completing a reservation in the back-office without entering a customer phone number, by clicking the phone number not provided box. The customer, however, will need to fill in the phone number, on the online checkout.
Multiple Gifts in a Single Transaction
- If you toggle this on, your customers can purchase multiple gifts in a single transaction rather than going through the checkout workflow multiple times.
Demographic Pricing
- If you toggle this on, your customers will be shown all demographic pricing options in gift purchase checkout.
Customer Emails
- If you toggle this on, the gift recipient will receive an email with their gift code and tiles for other experiences you offer. If you are selling gift offers with experience restrictions, we recommend you keep this option off.
Customer Phone Number Required
- If you toggle this on, gift purchasers must provide a phone number when buying a gift.
Enable Captcha
- You can toggle this on if you have experienced fraudulent gift purchases and want to mitigate bots that purchase gifts.
Gift Reminder
- Check this box to remind gift recipients of an unused balance.
Xola allows you to customize what is included in your roster export from this tab. To learn more about your Roster Export, click here.
Taxes and Fees
Taxes and Fees are set here and then applied to whichever products you specify.
The Payment Details section of your account must be configured before you can accept payments. It is important that the information entered is detailed and correct.
Custom Payment Methods
- If you accept forms of payment outside of Xola, you can configure a custom payment method to appear in your reporting. This will not allow Xola to process the payment, but rather, it will make the payment method appear in the "method" column of your report exports for the transactions that the custom method applies to.
Payment Gateway
KYC Info:
- This information is required by the payment processor. When entering it, please include the same information that is consistent with the information you provided on your most recent tax filings. I.e., If your company name has an LLC at the end, please include it here as well. Depending on the region you are in, the fields that Xola requires you to fill out may change.
- Click Update KYC, this will bring a pop-up screen that will walk you through the information you to enter to verify your account with Stripe.
Bank Account
- This information tells Xola which account to deposit the funds from credit card payments that are processed. As with the Legal Entity information, the information entered here must be correct to guarantee your payouts are successful.
Credit Card Statement Descriptor
- Be sure to make this something that your customers will recognize!
- What will show up on your customer's credit card statement will depend greatly on their bank account. In most cases, a bank will have three fields:
- Company Name = Your company's CC Statement Descriptor in Xola
- Description = The name of Experience in Xola
- Amount = Price paid on transaction
Accepted Credit Cards
Allows you to choose the credit cards you will take on your account, as well as require a billing address from your customer by toggling on the Require additional billing information.
This is where you will enter the POS ID when you purchase approved credit card swipers from Xola. To learn more about the Hardware you can use click here.
Most apps that have been installed in the App Store and have a configuration page, can be configured here.