Xola Waivers

Save time at check-in by getting waivers signed before arrival. No more having customers sign paper waivers when you have Xola Waivers. When you install Xola Waivers from the App Store, you can create your waivers and assign them to experiences. Your customer can sign a waiver at checkout or in the confirmation email to have this done before arrival.  In addition, your customer can also fill out your questionnaire in the waiver to save them time and for you to have all your customer information in one place.

What's covered in this article:

How to Enable Xola Waivers

  1. Navigate to the Xola App Store by clicking the App Store tab on the side screen bar.
  2. Locate "Xola Waiver" and select the App Store title.
  3. Click the green "Request Access" button

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How to create a Waiver

Once installed from the App Store, you can create your own Xola Waivers. Go to Settings > Apps > Xola Waivers >Go to App and click on the “Create a Waiver” button. After this, you can begin to create a custom waiver template that can be assigned to experiences:

Xola Waivers - Create a Waiver.gif

Create a Title and a Body for your waiver. In addition to your text, the Body can have a few variables to choose from when adding custom content to your waiver. These variables will dynamically populate content in the waiver. The available variables are:

Required Check Box: Places a check box in which the customer has to check to Finish and Agree to the waiver

Current Date: The date on which the waiver is opened

Add Minors

Set the age of the Minor

  • You can allow a minor to sign a waiver. If chosen, you will be able to add a custom message and set up requirements and rules for Parents and GuardiansScreen_Shot_2022-09-29_at_11.56.27_AM.png

Add Questionnaire

Questionnaires collect additional information from your customers. What is included in the Questionnaire is completely customizable, and it can be set up as Global or Experience-Specific. For the Waiver, go to your questionnaire settings in your Xola account and toggle on "In Xola Waivers" so these questions will show on your Xola Waivers. 

Xola Waivers - Experience Questionnaire.png

Note: Questionnaire answers will show on the roster on your Xola dashboard if you download the PDF version of the Waiver from the dashboard. 

How to configure the Waiver to Products

To configure which listings you would like Xola Waivers to apply to, navigate to Customers > Digital Waivers and click the pencil next to the waiver you would like to use.



What the customer sees 

After a customer completes a booking for Listing with a Xola Waiver tied to it, the checkout window will ask them to fill out the waiver.


This same digital waiver link will also be included in your customer's Confirmation and Reminder emails. They can click the link in the email at any time to sign.


Customers will also be allowed to sign another waiver or share the waiver link with other guests. They can click the share link, and a waiver URL will be copied, and they can send it to others via email, text, or group chat.

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Customer Reminders

Reminder emails and/or SMS for the customer to ensure all waivers are signed will be sent to your customers. By default, reminders are set to be sent 7 days, 3 days, and 1 day before arrival. You can override the default and set reminders in any increment you would like. You choose how many reminders are sent and if they are sent after the purchase is made or before the arrival date. To set this up, go to Settings > Notifications.



Reminder Email: 

Xola Waivers - Waiver Reminder.png

Reminder SMS:


You can also resend the Waiver reminder email to a customer, by going to Purchases > Searching for the customer's purchase, and clicking on the Resend Waiver button. 

Note: To use the Resend Waiver feature on Purchases, the Waiver Reminder must be turned on under Notifications

Xola Waivers - Resend Waiver Email.png

Note: When the waiver reminder is resent it will show who has signed the wavier

Xola Waivers - Attendees that have signed.png

How to manually add Waivers to purchases  

Waivers will automatically link to purchases when signed from the link sent in their confirmation email (or can be manually linked when signed from a generic link):

Xola Waivers - Link a Waiver.gif

To link a waiver, navigate to the Purchases tab > Within the purchase, go to the Attendees section > Click on the pencil icon with the colored dot next to it > In the left column of the 'Link a Waiver' window, select the waiver you would like to link > Save

Tip: You can allow linking of previously linked waivers to new purchases if needed. Go to Customers > Digital Waivers Global Settings and check the box to allow this. 

You can also see a PDF version of the waiver, by clicking the Waivers Signed button on the roster and hitting the Screen_Shot_2020-06-29_at_11.41.25_AM.png to download a PDF of the waiver for your files. OR go to your Customers tab > Contacts > search for your customer and look under the Waivers tab in the customer's profile.

Xola Waivers - Download Waiver.gif

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