The Global Review, Questionnaire, Terms & Conditions, Add-ons, and Blackout Schedules all have a Product-Specific counterpart.
You can use any combination of Product-Specific and Global elements: For example, Global Blackout Schedules and Reviews, but a few Product-Specific Questionnaires and Terms & Conditions for some experiences that require different customer information and accord. Totally up to you!
What's covered in this article:
- Descriptive Content
- Schedules and Availability
- Photos
- Add-ons
- Questionnaire
- Terms
- Self Service
- Waitlist
- Resources
- Reviews
- Check In
- Tickets
Descriptive Content
Click here to learn more about Descriptive Content.
Schedules and Availability
Event Duration
The amount of time your customer spends on the event. This can be displayed at your checkout. To learn more on how to display this, click here.
Note: This only appears if you have schedules associated with your experience.
Inventory Duration
The Equipment Duration tells Xola how long an experience is. It is not customer-facing - it mainly exists for Inventory purposes.
Duration tells Xola for how long to hold a piece of equipment (ie rooms, boats, and more) or a guide, and it may or may not correspond to the actual length of your experience.
Please note that if you use Equipment on your Xola account, the Equipment Duration is extremely important to ensure that you do not receive double reservations!
Note: This only appears if you have schedules associated with your experience.
By creating and saving multiple different schedules, Xola allows you to build activity schedules that are as simple or intricate as you would like. Combining schedules also allows for dynamic pricing that adjusts based on time or day. You can create as many schedules as you would like!
- In the Schedules and Availability section of the experience, click Add Schedule.
- In the window that opens, enter Schedule Details, detailed below.
- Available: Creates a schedule with times that this experience is available to be reserved by customers.
- Unavailable: Creates a schedule with times that this experience will not be available.
- Date Range The schedule you create will repeat each week on your calendar. Select or deselect individual weekdays under Days of Week. Selected days appear in blue and deselected days appear in white.
- Specific Dates This allows you to hand-select individual days to which this schedule will apply.
- This is where you will choose the start times that can be booked for this experience. You can create as many time slots as you would like. When one gets booked, Xola will automatically check your availability for the rest of the day and adjust your schedule accordingly.
- If your experience does not have set start times, toggle on No Fixed Times. Your customers will simply select a date at checkout.
Price Variation
- Here you can designate if there is a difference in price for this particular schedule.
Example: If you charge more for trips on the weekend, make a weekly recurring schedule with Saturday and Sunday selected in blue > + Add Price Variation > + Create Price Variation > Enter the details according to the amount you would like the price to change on the weekends.
Tip: Toggle on Early Arrival to let your customers know what time they should arrive. The amount of time that you designate will be included in the Confirmation Email when someone completes a purchase.
Note: If your experience does not require a day or time to be chosen, you can toggle off the Guest's must choose arrival date from a predefined list of schedules. Your customer during checkout will not be asked to put in a day or time for the experience. And you can set Check-In Validity terms for them. Click here to learn more about Enhanced Check-In Preferences.
Reservation Limits
- The Per Reservation Limit determines the minimum and maximum number of guests allotted per purchase.
- The minimum is the minimum number of guests per purchase. (i.e. if the minimum is 1, this would allow single tickets to be purchased for the experience)
- The maximum is the maximum number of guests allowed per purchase.
Per Event Limit
- The Per Event Limit determines the minimum and maximum number of guests required for the event.
- The minimum is the minimum number of guests required to run each event.
- The maximum is the maximum capacity allotted for each event.
- If an experience does reach the Per Event Minimum, all pending purchases for this experience will be automatically accepted (unless Auto-Accept is turned off in your Settings). Credit cards will be charged and confirmation emails will be sent out to those customers.
- If an event does not meet the Per Event Minimum by the designated time, Xola will notify you via email. At that point, you can reach out to the customer to reschedule or manually accept the purchases.
Early Cutoff
The Early Cutoff prevents purchases from being made via checkout within a specified period before an event is scheduled to start.
For example, if you need to know how many people are booked for an event at least a day in advance to prepare for the experience, you might set an Early Cutoff of 24 hours. This would prevent someone from visiting your website 1 hour before the event starts and reserving that you are not prepared to accommodate.
Additionally, you have the option to allow purchases until a secondary cutoff time is reached for events that already have at least one confirmed purchase. This setting allows you to continue accepting new customers for events that are already scheduled to occur.
- Enter a value for how far in advance of start time you would like to prevent purchases for this experience.
- If you'd like to allow purchases to occur within a different cut-off time for events that already have one or more confirmed purchases, check the second box in this section.
- Enter a value for how in advance of the start time you would like to prevent purchases for this event if there is already at least one confirmed purchase.
Note: This only appears if you have schedules associated with your experience.
Future Cutoff
The Future Cutoff allows you to prevent purchases with a start time that is too far in the future. This is a useful setting if your schedule does not have a set end date. For example, you may not want to allow customers to place a reservation that is set to take place one calendar year from now, in case something changes for your business operationally between now and then (i.e. your schedule or product offerings).
- Enable by toggling on Future Cutoff
- Enter a value for how far in the future you would like to prevent purchases from being made via the checkout.
Note: This only appears if you have schedules associated with your experience.
Business Hours
In this field, you can enter your business hours in addition to any other related text you'd like to include. This text will show in the email communications to your customers.
Add Photos
- Navigate into the experience for which you'd like to add or update the photo.
- Click into Photos from the left-hand menu.
- Click the Upload Image button to add photos to your experience. You can add a maximum of 10 .jpg and .png images to each listing with a maximum size of 5 MB.
Note: Recommended size for the image is 1024x768
Set Primary Photo (and Delete)
- As soon as you upload a second photo, you'll be asked if you want to set this photo as the primary.
- If you want to delete the photo from Xola, simply click on the edit button and then the red Delete button.
To learn more about Pricing click here.
To learn more about add-ons click here.
To override the Global Questionnaire for one or more specific product(s):
- Navigate to the Products tab > Experiences.
- Find the Experience to which you'd like to assign a Product-Specific Questionnaire and click the Edit button.
- Click the Questionnaire tab within the experience
- Toggle Override global questionnaire
Questionnaire Display:
During Checkout: Appears immediately after the payment screen
- Per guest: One questionnaire is filled out per guest.
- Per reservation: One questionnaire is filled out per reservation.
In Xola Waiver: Will show up in the Xola Waiver you created.
- To learn more about setting up Xola Waivers, click here.
During Checkout: Appears immediately after the payment screen
- Click on the + Add New Question
- Customize Questionnaire.
- Click Save.
To override the Global Terms for one or more specific product(s):
- Navigate to the Products tab > Experience.
- Find the Experience to which you'd like to assign Product-Specific Terms and Conditions and click the Edit button.
- Toggle the Override global terms and conditions
- Customize Terms.
- Once you save your Terms, the customer will have to check a checkbox agreeing to the terms and conditions before they complete the purchase.
Note: Customers will be forced to agree to the terms and conditions set regardless of the 'Force customer to agree in order to complete the purchase' toggle being enabled.
Self Service
Click here to learn more about Self Service.
Click here to learn more about Waitlist.
You have the option to display information about guides that have been assigned to a given event in the Confirmation and Reminder emails to your customers. This is a great way to give your customers an idea of who will be playing a part in the experience that they have booked, before the day of the event. This is an especially useful feature if your experiences involve meeting in a remote location or if Guides / Activity leaders play an integral role in providing your experiences.
Guide information displayed in customer emails is set at the experience level. So, to turn this on for a given experience:
- Navigate to Products >Experiences > Edit Listing > Resources
- Turn on Guide Information
- Refer to guides as: Determine what you would like the section header in your emails to read.
- For example, if you are an escape room you likely do not refer to these staff members as “Guides”. You could put in the text “Game Master(s)”
Note: If you sometimes have more than one guide assigned to a given event, we recommend that you pluralize your guide descriptor to account for this. Example: “Guide(s)”
Once configured, Confirmation and Reminder emails for events that have a guide assigned to them will now contain a section with:
- The “refer to guides as” label referenced earlier in this article
- Guide Name
- Guide Picture
- Guide Bio
Here’s an example of what the email section will look like:
For more information on Event and Inventory Duration, please see the above section.
Early Equipment Return
Your inventory duration is the amount of time for which to hold that resource for an event. For example, if your inventory duration is set to 4 hours and a customer books an experience at 10 am, that next experience will not be free to purchase again until 2 pm.
But what about if that customer returns at 1 pm?
Xola's Early Inventory Return feature allows you to figure that piece of inventory back into the available resources to allocate to other customers.
Early Return Process
- When a customer arrives for their purchase, click the green checkmark in the roster view to check them in. When you do this, Xola will hold inventory for the total number of people in that party.
- When the customer returns early, click on the roster view for their trip. Next to the green checkmark by the customer's name, click the green return arrow.
- Clicking the green return arrow will free up inventory for the total number of guests in that party.
Note: This only appears if you have schedules associated with your experience.
For more information on the kinds of Review Emails Xola offers, click here. To override the Global Review Email for one or more specific product(s):
- Navigate to the Products tab > Experiences.
- Find the Experience to which you'd like to assign a Product-Specific Review destination and click the Edit button.
- Toggle Override global review settings.
- Select the email template or customize your own.
- Click Save.
For more information on Check-ins and No Shows, click here. To override the Global Check-in preferences for one or more specific product(s):
- Navigate to the Products tab > Experience.
- Find the Experience to which you'd like to assign a Product-Specific check-in and click the Edit button.
- Toggle the Override global check-in settings
- Require check-in: When this feature is enabled guests who are marked as checked-in will receive the review and follow-up emails, but those who are not marked as checked-in will not get these emails.
- You also have the options to set Check-In Validity and enable multiple check-ins. For more information on Enhanced Check-In Preferences, click here.
- Navigate to the Products tab > Experience.
- Find the Experience to which you'd like to set up Tickets and click the Edit button.
- On the left-hand side go to Tickets.
- Choose how you want the QR code to appear to the guest:
- One ticket per group/party: This will give one QR code per group. I.e. if you have a group of 5, they will only have to present the 1 QR code and the whole group of 5 will be checked in at once.
- One ticket per guest: This will give one QR code per guest. I.e. if you have a group of 5, they will have to present 5 QR codes and 1 QR code will check in 1 guest.