Earnings Report

Your Earnings Report is a daily transaction breakdown. Use the date picker to choose the date or time window you'd like to examine, and Xola will show you all transactions recorded in that time period.

This Earnings report should not be used to account for the overall revenue for your business. This report is a daily transaction breakdown. When looking at credit card transactions, you'll notice they are based on the timestamp of the transaction.

This report counts both the sale and the redemption of gift certificates as revenue.

Report Filters

Reservationists Filter

This filter can be used to balance a cash drawer at the end of the day - To view how many transactions each Reservationist processed on a given date or time frame, use the drop-down menu at the top of the report to filter down by reservationist. This should match the credit card receipts and what is in the drawer.Earnings Report - Reservationist Filter.png

Payment Methods Filter

To filter your different payment methods for a given date or time,  use the drop-down menu at the top of the report. This can be used in tandem with the Reservationists filter.

Earnings Report - Payment Method Filter.png

Exporting the Report

Export Transactions Report

The Transactions report in the Analytics tab is slightly different than the one in the Earnings Report tab. The Transactions report found in your Earnings Report is meant to help you balance a cash drawer, and it will report the use of gift certificates as revenue. This way you know how much value in gift certificates you should expect to see in your drawer.

Additionally, this means that this report should not be used to account for the overall revenue of your business.

For example, if you sell a gift certificate for $100 cash, the Earnings report will record $100 cash earnings. Then if the customer uses that gift certificate to book a tour, the Earnings report will record $100 of gift certificate earnings. When summed, this would make your revenue for the day $200, which is accurate for how much value is in your cash drawer, but not accurate for how much revenue you brought in as a business.

In the Analytics Report, revenue is only reported when a gift is sold, not when it is redeemed, so you should use the Analytics tab for a report of your overall business revenue.

Tip: To print this Earnings report in a table format, right-click the screen and select Print.

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