Pending action queue

The Pending Action Queue is located at the top left of your Xola account in the form of a bell-shaped icon. There are a few kinds of action-notifications that end up in this queue to remind you that you need to take action on them,  including specific purchases as well as specific communications from your customers that need your attention. 

What's covered in this article:

Types of bookings in the Pending Action Queue:

  • Abandoned Cart: If a customer begins the checkout process by entering reservation information on the Purchases Details page of your checkout windows and reaches the Payment Details page but does not follow through with the purchase, this reservation will be considered "abandoned" after one hour of inactivity. From the Pending Action Queue you can view these abandoned reservations and contact the customer.
  • Balance Due Purchase: A purchase with an open balance will remain in the Pending Action Queue until the balance has been fully collected. Click on the purchase to access the purchase detail page, and click on Collect Balance to settle up. 
  • Invoice Due Purchase: Like balance due and deposit purchases, purchases with open invoices will remain in the Pending Action Queue until the rest of the balance has been fully collected. Click on the purchase to access the purchase details, and click on Collect Balance to settle up. 
  • Pending Confrimation: Maybe purchases for certain products are on manual accept, or the trip minimum hasn't yet been met. From the Pending Action Queue, click on the purchase to access the purchase detail page, and then accept or decline the purchase.


  • No-Shows: When a customer is marked as a No-Show and has a balance due, they immediately are sent up into the Pending Action Queue. The purchase will remain here until the balance has been collected, or until the customer has been booked into another experience.
  • Deposit Purchase: Like balance-due purchases, purchases with open deposits will remain in the Pending Action Queue until the rest of the balance has been fully collected. Click on the purchase to access the purchase details, and click on Collect Balance to settle up. 


Unread Messgaes in the Pending Actions Queue are when a customer responds to any of the emails that are sent to them. If you click on the record, it will take you to the purchase to see the message in full and you can respond to the email from there. 


You can filter your pending action queue to show you the information you would like. For example to take a look at all reservations that have a balance due, you could sort the Pedning Actions Queue by Blanace Due. Or if you needed to see who has not paid their invoice you could sort by Invoice Due. 


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