Xola Distribution Network

The Xola Distribution Network gives you the ability to partner with other companies (Operators) who use Xola to sell each other's experiences. You can choose to distribute as a single experience or as a package bundled with one of your experiences.

What's covered in this article: 

How to Enable Xola Distribution Network

  1. Navigate to the Xola App Store 
  2. Search Xola Distribution Network, and select the app tile
  3. Click the green Install button shown in the screenshot below. (Note: If you need help in getting access to this feature, you can reach out to support@xola.com)Xola Distribution Network app.png

How to set up Operators

Setting up your Distribution Profile 

  1. Navigate to Distribution > Distribution Profile and fill out the Business Details.
    • About your business: In this field, you can enter a brief summary about your business that will be displayed to other Operators who add you to their distribution network. It will not be displayed to customers. 
    • Distribution phone number: In this field, you can enter a phone number where other Xola Operators can contact you.
    • Distribution E-mail: In this field, you can enter an email address where other Xola Operators can contact you.
    • Profile Preview: In this section, you can preview how your profile will be displayed for other Operators when they search you in the distribution network.

Distribution Profile.png


Adding an Operator

To add an Operator to your distribution network:

  1. Navigate to Distribution > Operators > Add an Operator 
  2. Search the Operator's name and then click on the result
  3. In the Partnership Settings section, toggle on the option to sell their products and/or for the Operator to have the option to sell yours as well. 
  4. In the Distribution Terms section, you can also elect to apply a commercial terms template to the Operator.
  5. Select to Request Connection.

CAS - Adding an Operator.gif


Accepting a Connection Request

If another Operator adds you to their distribution network, you can view your Operator Connection Requests by navigating to Distribution > Operators.

Manage Operators.png

Under the Action column, by clicking on theScreenshot 2025-01-07 at 6.51.03 PM.pngicon you can:

  • Accept or decline connection requests
  • Manage the terms of the connection 
    • Make adjustments to the terms template applied to the Operator and dictate which experiences any commissions/discounts apply to.
    • Toggle on/off the ability to sell the Operators experiences and the ability for them to sell yours. 

CAS - Accepting Connection Request.gif

Removing an Operator

Once you remove an Operator from your distribution network, you will no longer be able to distribute their products, including any packages that have been configured containing this operator's products.

To Remove an Operator:

  1. Navigate to Distribution > Operators
  2. Under the Action column, click on the Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 6.57.36 PM.pngicon 
  3. Click Remove. 

Partner Packages

You can set up packages that include your experiences as well as your operators' for customers to purchase at checkout. To set up a partner package:

  1. Navigate to Products > Partner Packages
  2. Click +Create Partner Package in blue at the top right corner
  3. Enter a title for the package (this text is shown to the customer at checkout)
  4. Select your experience
    • Note: only experiences with per person pricing configured are eligible to be part of a package.

  5. Select the Partner experience
  6. Enter text in the Excerpt section that briefly describes the package for the customer. This text is shown to the customer at checkout.
  7. Enter text in the Description section.
    • Note: this text is only visible through distribution channels like Viator, Get Your Guide, etc. If you don't have integrations set up with distributions channels, you can copy and paste the content from the Excerpt section here.

  8. Duration between Events: if you would like to require a minimum time between events, you can enter the time frame here. 
  9. Save

Partner Package Pricing

With partner packages, the terms you configure here will only apply to your products. Operator (partner) terms will apply to their products. 

Basic Terms

This option will allow you to configure a percentage based discount to your experience. You will also be able to choose whether you would like to include or exclude add-ons from that discount. 

Advanced Terms

This option will allow you to configure a mixture of dollar and percentage based discounts per demographic for your experience. You will also be able to configure these discounts to add-ons.

CAS - Partner Packages.gif

Partner Purchases

Once an Operator makes a purchase, it appears in the Purchases tab along with all other purchases. When you click on the purchase, it will display either a Partner Purchase or Partner Package icon in the title and the Tags section will also include the name of the Operator that made the purchase. 

partner package.png

partner purchase.png



Similar to agents, the Distribution Partners Reconciliation Report will show you partner purchases that have been made according to Operator. To access the report:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Distribution Partners
  2. Click on the Operator 
  3. The reservations will appear along with additional terms details (commissions, partner deposit, etc)

Note: Only reservations that have occurred will populate in this report. Future reservations will not show on this report until they occur.

CAS Reporting.gif

Tip: Operator purchases will also populate in the Custom Reservations Report. You can use the Partner Name column filter to populate purchases by Operator. 

CAS Custom Reservations Report.gif

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